Supporting DAS
Our Funders
We are a Disabled People's Organisation working hard to provide much needed services free to the disabled and their carers. We are entirely dependent on grants and donations to run the service and we could not do this without the generous support of all donors and the funders mentioned below. We are extremely grateful to you all.
Other foundations and trusts:
Thank you to all the trusts, foundations and other organisations who have recently supported us:
Annie Tranmer Charitable Trust, Anton Jurghens Charitable Trust, Baily Thomas Charitable Fund, Bates Wells and Braithwaite Solicitors, Borrows Charitable Trust, David Family Trust, Dunwich Town Trust, David & Jill Simpson Fund, E&J Legacy Fund, Fitton Trust, Felixstowe Rotary Club, The Forrester Family Trust, Ganzoni Charitable Trust, Hughes-Hallett Fund, Lord Belstead Charitable Trust, Magic Little Grants, Marsh Christian Trust, Melton Trust, Pargiter Fund, Postcode Places Trust, Port Community Fund, Rest Harrow Trust, Scarfe Charitable Trust, Strangward Charitable Trust, Suffolk Giving Fund, Tudwick Foundation and Woodroffe Benton Foundation.
…with a special mention to The Mrs L D Rope Third Settlement Charitable Trust and Suffolk Community Foundation.
On 14 October 2022 we officially opened our additional office downstairs at No.12 The Square.
As well as providing the space needed to accommodate our growing teams of staff and volunteers, for the first time we have ground floor access to DAS for our clients. For funding the one-off cost of refurbishment we are grateful to the the Clothworkers Foundation, the Alan Boswell Group Foundation, the Adnams Community Trust, together with East Suffolk District councillors who donated from their individual Enabling Communities budgets.

Help us to help others
With demand on our services growing and grant funding always under pressure we welcome funding from other sources and individual donations.
Please see our Donate page to see how you or your organisation could help with funding.