Skills: Disability & Health Courses
There are a number of free online courses available on disability and health related topics and, as a taster of what is available, we have found a number that you may find useful — though they won’t necessarily suit everyone’s style of learning.
Some of these courses will have already taken place, but the course material is often archived and many courses repeat.
If you think any of these courses might be of interest, have a look at the provider links (eg FutureLearn) and see what courses they are currently offering.
Free online courses offered through FutureLearn
FutureLearn is owned by the Open University and offers free online courses in conjunction with well known universities.
The courses are totally free and don’t need to have any particular qualifications to apply, just an interest in the subject, access to a computer and the internet, and a bit of free time.
FutureLearn courses are very flexible. There is new content each week, and it is an advantage to follow the course and discussions on a weekly basis, but if you fall behind you can catch up later and there are no set times in the week to study: you can fit it in flexibly around other commitments.
Thinking through disability
University of New South Wales Australia/FutureLearn. Free
The course aims are to enable you to:
identify how understandings of people with disabilities have changed over time
critically reflect on changing understandings of disability
identify core concepts in the social understanding of disability
appreciate the intersections between individual, social, political and cultural aspects of disability
understand what a good life might mean for a diversity of people, including people with disabilities.
The course is suitable for both beginners and experts and people with disabilities and their family members, friends and allies as well as others (see the course description for more details). The course is provided by the University of New South Wales Australia through the UK’s FutureLearn, so will include a global perspective.
Thinking through disability: Started 16 May 2016, but future dates are envisaged
Disability and a good life: Working with disability
University of New South Wales Australia/FutureLearn. Free
This is the follow on course to Thinking through disability and starts on 1 August 2016 — don’t worry though if you are on holiday, you can join at a later date. Read the full course description here.
Disability and a good life: Working with disability: Starts 1 August 2016, future dates are also envisaged
Health & Wellbeing:
These are examples, check the FutureLearn website for exact details of which courses are currently running or will be again in the future.
Website: FutureLearn
Courses for Carers:
Suffolk Family Carers runs courses for carers at various locations in Suffolk.
Dementia Care: Staying Connected and Living Well
Newcastle University/FutureLearn. Free
This course is aimed at carers — this means anyone with any caring responsibilities, you don’t have to be a full-time or live-in carer.
The current courses started on 23 May 2016, but they envisage running the course again on other dates.
More information and to enrol on future courses: FutureLearn Dementia Care 1
The Many Faces of Dementia
University College London/FutureLearn. Free
The course starts on 11 July 2016 and again on 3 October 2016.
The course covers some of the key issues in dementia care and research by exploring four less common forms of dementia. It shows how research into the signs, stages, symptoms and causes of less common forms can bring us closer to the aim of defeating dementia.
More information and to enrol on future courses: FutureLearn Faces of Dementia
Dementia: Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour
University of Birmingham/FutureLearn. Free
The course started on 9 May 2016 but further dates in the future are expected.
This free online course will help you learn more about managing challenging behaviour in people with dementia.
More information and to enrol on future courses: Dementia: Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviour
Other Providers:
OpenLearn (Open University)
Where do we get the help that really counts. Is informal support from family and friends just as good for people with mental health symptoms?
Communication in health and social care Introduction (2 ½ hours)
Website: OpenLearn
University of Derby/Canvas Network
Website: Canvas Network