
This section will give you ideas of the many online and other resources available for learning new skills, and we’ll particularly be highlighting resources that are free.

This section is for anyone: disabled people, parents, friends, colleagues, carers, professionals, DAS (or other charity) staff, volunteers, trustees, employers looking for continuing professional development resources, anyone looking for something interesting to do in their spare time … anyone who finds this information helpful — so please do share!

There’s more content to follow, but here’s a taster of what’s to come!

Digital Skills

This section coming soon!

Disability courses

Learn a language

There are lots of free online resources for learning a language and we look at some of the top resources available here: Languages

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS)

MOOCs are free online short courses offered by universities around the world. They start throughout the year: MOOCs


Online videos are also often a good way of learning new things.


Wikipedia is the world’s largest online encyclopedia. It’s a free site that registered users can contribute to. Go to Wikipedia.